Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #223057

      We want our 6th perception to reveal reality as it is, rather than how it appears to be through our 5 sense receptors.

    • #222887

      The perception that allows me to receive an abundance of joy, to connect with the Creator and with all living things.

    • #222817

      To perceive love and mutual connection as preferable to selfishness and isolation

    • #222775

      The perception that makes me an unrestricted channel of the Creator, however unknowable that perception is to me in this given moment.

    • #222770
      Melanie Rosen

      To learn how to remove the veils of illusion so that I can perceive reality the way the Creator does.


    • #222739

      We want to build up a new sense (screen) which will give up the skill to percieve reality as it is outside of our limited box, in which we live, while we work in this world.

      The reality outside of the box is that of the spiritual worlds (Assiyah, Yetzirah, Beriyah, Atzilut, Adam Kadmon).

      As an ultimate goal we want to percieve the Creator, but we can only do that through attaining his qualities (different degrees of bestowal). We have to attain equal qualities as the Creator, so we can be near him.

      So we start with building the screen and see where this take us.

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