Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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Viewing 6 posts - 913 through 918 (of 1,183 total)
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    • #220683
      Paulo Lellis

      We want tp perceive the true reality, the reality that is not limited by our five senses.

    • #220553

      I have no expectations from these lessons because I got the right answer by reading the Talmud of the Ten Sefirot by Rav Ashlag and now I know the purpose of creating myself and the universe. Of course, we should not forget the Torah and Mitzvot, because by following these commands we can become Yechida. I have no questions left …

    • #220183

      Spiritual connection with others to transform my current egoistic safety in isolation.

    • #220126
      O Light

      From the spark of perception I already sense, to what I perceive is The Eternal Soul of reality, expressed and mapped out in Kabbalah.

    • #220107

      We want to perceive reality for what it truly is. Without the limitations of our five senses.

    • #220009

      I am hoping that my perception and senses are opened up so that I can have communication with the creator and understand what symbols mean, that are sent to me in my dream state

Viewing 6 posts - 913 through 918 (of 1,183 total)
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