Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #222676

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>To the perception of  “He is the good that does good”</p>

    • #222653
      Richard Lively

      The perception of “true” reality the one our five senses cannot perceive at all

    • #222644

      I desire to see reality as the creator does; his Will and Way versus my will and way

    • #222636
      Aurinna Weisman

      I want the study to lead me to a perception that is not mere perception but the reality as is.

    • #222630
      kevin jackson

      I want this study to lead me to see how this body perceives reality in its present state then guide me in the knowledge of how to build that other screen to began to sense the outer forces to better influence me while yet in this body

    • #222141

      I would hope to a perception that is in equivalence of form with the Creator’s desire for how we should perceive

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