Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • Author
    • #54608
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Inzicht krijgen en doorzien hoe we onze ontwikkeling kunnen aansturen ter verlichting van onszelf en anderen.


    • #53882

      An expanded perception of a reality beyond what the 5 senses tell us.

    • #53845

      The study of Kabbalah must lead us to the point  of perception of reality outside of the box that governs our bodily existence and reach the level of revelation of the truth.

      Once we achieve this level we start to unite with the creator and act upon this world in a force of complete bestowal towards all creation, because all of the creation is a representation of the creator itself.

    • #53769
      Norma Schmepp

      Transcending the limitations of the body (Man limitations) and perceving the reality outside of our bodys

    • #53614
      Theresa H

      To do my part and follow the path my creator set for me.

    • #53594

      Transcend our limitation, and perceive our reality as beyond our physical body.

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