Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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    • #52778

      The perception of the creator

    • #52620
      Nancy Arnold

      There are many perceptions of reality. Animals perceive reality differently. Reality doesn’t exist the way we think it is but we can perceive reality outside of our body. Ordinarily we rely on our five senses to perceive reality but studying Kabbalah will help us go beyond the five senses and the ego to seeing reality through G-d’s perception. I want to perceive reality outside of my five senses and ego.

    • #52591

      Reality to me is perfect. It is me who isn’t. Thus, I expect a lot from this study. I want to comprehend the true reality. I understand how difficult this might be but its worth it.

    • #52549

      I want my perception to be like that of the creator, to see the world as it does

    • #52541
      Hunnit Acre Woods

      The Aim Is To Perceive Beyond The Body’s 5 Senses…
      Some People Say “Get Out Of Your Head” This Says, “Get Out Of Your Body”

    • #52446

      We want to be led to a state beyond our Five Senses, where we move past the state of egoism and towards greater integration with the outer world. By connecting to the outer world, I believe we are also drawn closer to the wholeness of others too, meaning other humans and other creatures. Kabbalah seeks to show us the wholeness that can perhaps heal the fracturing that is taking place between humans, as well as between humans and the natural world.

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