Preparation Question: To what perception of reality do we want the study of Kabbalah to lead us?

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  • Author
    • #53326
      Nadim Kseib

      to develop that spark (point) in the heart and understand the laws of nature in order to bestow and regress through the 125 degrees

    • #53278
      Kyler Ramsey

      I want to perceive the hidden forces in nature. I feel a calling to a higher connection, and am often too tied up in this physical world. I believe by perceiving my reality in a more true way, I can let go of my ego.

    • #53219
      Nadim Kseib

      to Bestow and operate with what is beyond our 5 senses <3

    • #53216
      Rüveyde Lim

      the perception of for understanding the Creator and to be one as we are destined to be one.

    • #53071
      Ludumo Diniso

      To a perception which is beyond our physical senses. A perception similar to that of the Creator

    • #53062
      Michaela Lv

      We perceive the world not with our bodies,but with our minds.

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