Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • Author
    • #219170

      The importance of the Giver

    • #219137

      Open my heart and pray for that connection.

    • #219087
      Talya Machuca

      If “There is None Else Besides Him.” then everything is as should be except human that has the choice to perceive it either as “good”  or “bad”

    • #218982

      I can do this by consciously turning my mind’s attention toward every moment and reminding myself that “all is Him.”


      Beach Analogy:  

      I can imagine being on a beach where all the creative material is tiny particles commonly known as sand. I can see a created sand castle and simply call it a castle. This castle has different elements which I can discern and understood as “windows,” “doors,” “walls,” “floors,” etc. While each element is understood by its name and function (window, door, etc.), it is simultaneously understand as being “sand.” Beyond the castle structure, there is a whole “world” made of sand. There are houses, barns, fields, fences, roads, trees, animals, towns, cities, etc. Its a very elaborate sand creation! Every individual thing has a name and is known by its form and function (house, barn, tree, town, etc.) and yet everything is also understood as being sand.


      Practical Application:

      This analogy can come to mind when I am consciously experiencing myself and the world around me. Everything is made of “Spiritual Sand,” in other words, “Sefirot.”  There are many different forms and arrangements which I can call by common names, such as mountains (mineral), trees (vegetative), animals (animate), and people (speaking/human), yet I can simultaneously understand everything as being made of “Sand.”

      Beyond the physical items, I can also understand every sensation within myself as being made of this same spiritual substance. What makes up the world surrounding me is the same “Stuff” that makes up me on every level (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.)

      Additionally, spiritual Sand–just like corporeal sand–is experienced through different degrees of “coarseness.” The more refined we become through spiritual work in building and using our Masach, the better able we are to filter out the “heavier” particles and work with the “finest” Sand.  You might even say we become like glass (from sand) through which Light can truly be Seen.

      This is my way of understanding what I am learning at this juncture, anyway.  : )

    • #218981

      How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

      By developing a feeling of deep and total belonging. As an obser, sensing and feeling all the wonders unfolding with deep appreciation and marvel for everything that takes place. Letting life unfold, instead of  trying to make everything happen. As the song says:

      Row, row, row your boat
      Gently down the stream
      Merrily merrily, merrily, merrily
      Life is but a dream

    • #190582

      By sensing and understanding that all is One, that everything is here to help us!

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