Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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  • #37682

    Preparation Question: Try to imagine the sensation behind the statement “There is None Else Besides Him.” How can I feel that the entire reality is the action of the Creator?

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    • #59789

      “There is none else besides Him” would be sensed, first and foremost, in my body, which serves a similar function vis-a-vis the omnipresence of the lifeforce which surrounds all bodies, but which only some somatic structures in the hierarchy of organisms (cells, plants, animals, humans, etc.) progressively unstop.

      As such, inanimate entities (rocks, atoms, molecules), positioned near the base of the Great Chain of Being, nearly completely filter out this surrounding, all-pervasive lifeforce, apart from the rudimentary elements necessary for the coherence of pre-biological configurations of matter. The higher you go on “Jacob’s Ladder” (the Great Chain of Being), the more your body – mineral, vegetable, animal, and speaking – can sense the Force of Him, besides Whom there is none else.

      With both His all-pervasive lifeforce, and His all-pervasive consciousness, which is filtered out by the brain, we may be dealing with some higher, more rarefied variety of Light that is constrained as lifeforce in our bodies, and as consciousness in our brains; a supernal Light that surrounds us all and which is comprised of what the Vedas call Sat-Chit-Ananda: Infinite Being, Unlimited Consciousness, and Unrestrained Bliss.

      This would make the brain (and perhaps the neural networks with which the brain shares some affinities, like the heart and the gut), a special kind of “body” that filters out the kind of Light which we identify (from our end of observation) as “cognition;” and it would make the body and its several organs restraints of whatever particular kind of Light transduced in their respective biological functions.

      According to this theory, that would make bodily organs, as well as sense organs, all operate according to a general principle, not of production, but of restraint. As such, even while there is none else besides Him, the body acts a constraining device which almost totally occludes His Light at the still level, allows a little more Light at the vegetative level, and yet more Light at the animal level, and the most Light of His Presence – at least potentially – at the human/speaking level.

      We now know that the five sense are nothing more than systems of multi-layered filters receiving and re-coding signals of whatever there is out there in the vast domain of the Noumenal. Perhaps that Noumenal realm is made up of the same luminous energy – the Upper Light which is His very Being – that sublates consciousness, lifeforce, and God know what else (Gravity? Upper Force? Morphic fields? Sat-Chit-Ananda? God’s Grace?) into a single Supernal Light, which each of our bodily organs, sense, organs, brain, heart, gut, etc. restrains in its own particular way.

    • #59606

      I think of it like looking at a fine piece of art.  What feeling is the Artist trying to convey, and can I feel it my heart.  When I see a news clip, can I feel what the Creator is trying to get me to feel?  Do I see a depressing news clip?  Or rather, do I see the Creators correction?  Do I feel the love behind the correction?  Can I FEEL the love behind every event?



    • #58974

      the creator is in me and around me. He is that bright shining star in front of me and i constantly try to reach it.

    • #58210
      Rune T. A.

      This is a tough question. How do I feel that the sky is blue? I don´t feel it, I know that blue is the name for a surtain wavelength within the spectrum of colour. I don´t feel that gravaty is real, I know it to be true because I se it´s effects. Not even when freefalling from up high, the feeling I get is the sensation of moveing really fast. I only know that the entire reality is the action of the Creator because some wise and trustworthy people told me that it is so. After that I ran that statement through my own internal system of beliefs and truths, and I found that my understanding of our world, the things I see happening around me and to me fits perfectly with this new way of seeing things. Before I knew this to be true, that There Is None Else Beside Him, I was beginning to think that humanity did not deserve to be here, on Earth. Now that I know that it was infact build for us to learn how to “grow up”, I have become alive again, and I have reason to forgive myself and those who are not yet ready to leave Babylon. Time and the work we do throug this organization will help to speed up the proces of growing up. In my heart, I know this to be true.

    • #58119
      Bonnie A. Bus

      From what I understood is the creator also in me… Not only outside

    • #58066
      humehr garivani


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