Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #322891

      I expect to engage with tools that will allow me to understand who and what I am and how I can be of service with this knowledge

    • #322890

      To better understand life and my place in it.

    • #322887

      To expand my understanding to change my destiny and to set the foundations for learning Kabblah .

    • #322883
      Frank Shongwe

      The basic outline of what the wisdom of Kabbalah is about, how it can be applied in our daily living to achieve the best outcomes. At least this is what I expect from the first lesson.

    • #322689
      Laif burger

      A detailed description of the qualities of each of the ten sephirot please

    • #322683

      Hi Kabu ,

      I am unsure if you mean what do we expect from the lesson of the Kabbalah in total ???
      or the first lesson of the course ?

      Option 1
      I hope the Kabbalah will allow me to KNOW the reality of the spiritual world, to be completely assured of its existence.
      I have doubts.
      My fear is that spirituality & “the creator” may be an illusion created by the human mind.
      I think when humans stop to think of themselves in the context of the universe, multiverse, multiple dimensions etc ( this seems to keep changing in Quantum Science ) they are filled with fear & lost in the enormity of an existence.
      Maybe we are just an accident of chemistry initiated in a warm primordial pond ?

      What I hope for as an alternative to the warm pond theory, is confirmation that spirituality and the creator are existant forces that are generally benevolent towards humanity & that there is a way to move towards that spirit to escape the corporeal world and all its travail ……to find the answers to the eternal WHY.

      Option 2
      I hope from this first lesson a general outline of what direction we are heading in and why .🙃

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