Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #302573

      I really thank you for doing this.
      Just continue to detail and use the board and drawings to illustrate the material and give examples. It really helps to understand the material.
      I expect to better understand the principles in Kabbalah which do not always agree with what I learn about how to change my inventions.

    • #302545

      To start learning how to become free

    • #302544

      To understand my life purpose

    • #302525
      Andrea Yoder

      I hope that teachers and rabbis impart to us genuine and true knowledge about what Kabbalah really is. I want to be able to use this knowledge to elevate myself spiritually.

    • #302509

      I expect that the teachers here will tell me the truth about kabbalah. What do I desire to achieve: I have been searching for what I call my place in spirituality for a long time. I’ve been in several ‘wrong places’ so maybe this will be different. Kabbalah is very new to me. At this point I just want to keep learning.

    • #302484
      Steven Sierra

      I expect to find clarity in my own understanding of my life’s purpose.  I desire to achieve a higher level of confidence in my ability to connect with others.

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