Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #315184

      I want to find the restrictive barriers to my spirituality and push beyond them.

    • #315117

      I expect that this first lesson will explain in detail what the Essence of Wisdom is. I hope to thereby achieve a better understanding of what true Knowledge and Wisdom are really all about at a level above this world of arbitrary fake news/knowledge.

    • #315084

      I expect to gain extra knowledge. I plan to attend the webinars, read the articles and stay up to date with current events in the financial markets. I also plan to take part in discussions and ask questions so that I can learn as much as possible about investing. I believe that kabuconnect is a great platform for me to gain this extra knowledge and make smart investment decisions. Thank you for the opportunity.

    • #315076

      I expect to learn about the natures and laws of this and other worlds. I want to learn to truth of my inextricable connection to all.

    • #315070

      I expect the lesson to give me deeper understanding of reality. Connected to it, a sense of wellbeing, of inner peace. I desire to achieve the capacity to better pursue my goals, to do what I love and to be in contact with people like me. More, to be more confident in  life.

    • #315049

      O want to gain wisdom and guidance for the next path of my journey.

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