Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #307393


      I have always been a seeker of spiritual truth, but every where I looked, religion, mysticism, and science left me unsatisfied.  Kabbalah is opening up the spiritual world for me that I didn’t “see” before.

    • #307272

      Understand what God is, how this world can be overcome.  Come into agreement with Gods desire for me and to Love God more deeply and love others as God would have me love them.

    • #307084

      What are some good kabbalah books to read for beginners?

    • #306675
      Eugene Sokol

      I want to learn all that Kabbalah has to offer. I desire to receive understanding of how this world compares to the upper world and how to harness these unknown forces to bestow good to all around me.

    • #306609
      Francis Gallant

      To find something I can hold on to

    • #306590

      I have no set expectations from this lesson, but I desire to use the knowledge gained from it for good, in order to better Know my Creator & do as He wills as best I am capable of understanding in each moment & have this become a positive reinforcement cycle of acting -> observing -> reflecting -> altering my perception if need be. in order to come closer to Him -> thinking -> doing.

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