Preparation Question: What do you expect from the lesson? What do you desire to achieve from it?

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    • #222246

      From the first lesson, I expect to review basic concepts of Kabbalah and heighten my learning and understanding. My desire is that it helps me along my path toward knowledge and experience of my true inner Self and all of Creation.

      • #222486
        Randy McCormick

        In preparation for the first lesson, I expect to receive insights into the misconceptions of Kabbalah. I hope it intensifies my reasoning for taking this course in a way that alters my state of perception as it relates to spirituality, religion, science, etc. I hope to gain insights in the anatomy of teachings so that I can better understand and articulate a workable explanation if asked to answer questions about said subjects.

    • #222235

      It is time for change. I expect to learn the way to transcend beyond the limited perceptions and egoistic nature of humanity.

    • #222210

      Way to understand kabbalah

    • #222113

      Whom am I? Discover the blue print of my life that is what is that is reason the main reason for my creation.
      The thing is I’ve always been spiritual from a young age, seeing and hearing things that the rest couldn’t. I’ve been labed a mental case and had been on psychiatric medication so I’m looking for answers

    • #222058

      I’m expecting to believe in something again. I’ve always been a man of inquiry, and never one to believe in something because society says I should. I did extensive research into the origins and doctrines of my previous faith and found that – when held to the light and investigated from all angles – it failed beneath the weight of scrutiny. Needless to say, I’ve become somewhat cynical and distrusting. However, I still feel the divine. Now I’m just trying to find the path to it.

      • #222143
        Richard Lively

        The creator never abandons us, we abandon the creator.   Believing is for the “self” but Tshuva “saying you are sorry and never doing it again” is for the soul.   I cannot tell anyone what is right or wrong because I believe both are for good.  I personally think we fail to learn and grow closer to the creator in a way that cannot be denied.  However, there are people in this world who are attached to it, and the dogmas and doctrines that go with it.   They wont surrender what they feel is “law” without actually lying, or being dishonest because they were taught by a dishonest person it was a truth.   This creates lack of knowledge and any wisdom that was gained (from only spiritual sense) is lost.  I am of firm belief most religions have become banks, and the creator never wanted this.  Wisdom cannot be bought because its not in this land of the living.  However people will still try to sell it to us and have no clue what they are talking about.   I was lucky to never lose my faith, because my faith was in a Oneness source that created all regardless of how I was studying it.  I am very sorry to hear you have had a struggle with your beliefs, I really do hope we can both find the right answers in this class.  I know what I’m experiencing and we have not even gotten started, so I can only say keep your faith, don’t let that ever be a stumbling block.  Truth will find its way no matter what we believe.

    • #222057

      I have always been a loaner at heart , but I wish to study kabbalah  from this authentic source. So I will try my best to act n study in an opposite manner to my nature. Because I truly wish to plant myself in a nurturing environment  aimed in the correct direction

      • #222140
        Richard Lively

        when we isolate we are already against nature.  There is no “I”, or “self” because both are an illusion to distract us from what we cannot really see “oneness”.  By becoming an “I” or “self” we feed the ego and block the light in the state of darkness not willing to receive.  Thus spiritual awakening cannot take place until the “I” or “self” fails enough for there to be no other options to attain real answers.

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