Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #430359
      Akosua Marie

      To be able to see the Creator in everyone. To be there for the others. They are here for me as well. Together we become one to attain equivalence of form and to learn how to bestow.

    • #430282

      It’s like when you look at the other political party that you think is doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons, and you think “these people need something. they have reasons that would be just as valid to me if I were in their position and conditions. opposing them can only make it worse. how can these needs and fears be addressed?” and then you search yourself for the related divisive concepts and egoistic desires, and study, and ask the Creator to intervene.

      And then you look at the others who are like you, and want the right things, but some ways they go about it or their opinions might repulse you because they’re a different person. And you can see and feel that dissonance there because you ego just doesn’t understand what the benefit is of dealing with them, of trying to understand. But you go above that and work on your theory of mind. You think “this person is actually me, but it’s the part of me I can’t feel. They need something and only the Creator can get it for them. And I am the one with contact with the Creator. How do I tell the Creator what is needed, when the Creator only hears what is genuine, authentic, true, and heartfelt? I put myself in that other person’s place, so I can use my imagination to feel what they feel… and if I do this well enough, the Creator will reveal the connection so that I really can feel that part of myself.”

    • #430279

      We are connected in the desire to bestowal. I fulfill the others desires and they do the same for me.

    • #430207
      Boe Smith

      we all have the divine spark of the Creator. By loving others as ourselves, we manifest equivalence of form with our maker

    • #430193

      We connect with others to put together our ideas and bridge the gaps

    • #430192

      Connecting with others means getting together with the same intention and listening with a non judgmental mindset, and also participating in the sharing to be unified as one

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