Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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  • Author
    • #422695
      Shadrak Kakumba

      We put together our points in the hearts to attract the upper force, the light

    • #414968
      Enrique Rojas

      Es sintonizarse para acercarse al propósito del Creador. Estamos conectados en el deseo de realizar el trabajo espiritual, en este magnífico entorno de estudio de la sabiduría de la Kabbalah.

    • #414743

      Connect with others mean seeing the creator inside them and practicing receiving in order to give with them. When everyone help his friends by giving him what he has received, seeing the creator in all his friends, we’re only one heart and love thy neighbor as thyself is fulfilled.

    • #414730
      Ka Bubot

      What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

      After the shattering of the vessel, we need to reconnect with others with the same point in the heart with a common desire to rebuild the vessel and make it whole again giving pleasure to the Creator. A group of friends with the same desire or point in the heart can easily get the attention of the Upper force and attend to it than a smaller desire when we are alone.

    • #414657

      We connect with other points in the heart to practice altruism.

    • #414652

      To connect with others means to connect through the point in the heart and that is the desire that connects us.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 263 total)
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