Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #371182

      – to set tune with others

      – desire to love

    • #371170

      The desire to bestow.

    • #369395
      Justin Wood

      On one level, students of Kabbalah are connected by their mutual desire for spiritual truth and direct experience of the upper force. But on a broader scale, we are connected by our desire to receive.  When we interact with others on the basis of our own desires there is no actual connection occurring; there is merely conditioned interaction between egos. In order to actually connect with others, it is essential that we set aside our own desire to receive in favour of emphasizing the desires of others. The degree to which we are able to elevate the desires of others above our own dictates the degree to which we can really connect with them.

    • #369189
      Nick Martinez

      Honestly I am not sure. Things have become far more confusing as my studies have advanced

    • #368539

      to invert our nature to exist for our own pleasure to create a connection with others. to give.

    • #368420

      We connect to each other through one single, common unifying thought.  We connect by all wanting the same thing, recognizing it can only be attained by working together.

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