Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #60622

      It means shifting from seeing others as the enemy to seeing them as myself.

    • #60621

      It means you have capitulate in front of your egoistic desires. You have accepted your egoistic defeat. You have tried everything you could imagine and has lost all egoistic options. You are empty. You have nothing to loose. And than you are ready to try alternative perception. At least taste it. And after it work on developing necessary properties to be able to process desire (which is neutral) in different mode (with new developed properties) – bestowal. Always fullfilled by serving others/Creator.

    • #60524

      It is important that when bestowing you need to have the right intentions, similarly when receiving the intent needs to be the same enabling you to give/bestow.

    • #60520
      tefo bogosi

      moving from receiving for my own benefit or bestowing with the intention of receiving pleasure to receiving in order to bestow for the Creator.

    • #60515
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      Preparation Question: What does it mean to shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal?

      I believe in making such a shift from receiving for one’s self  to bestowing and thinking of others means moving closer to equivalence of form with our Creator.

      Connecting with others is a way of creating the space needed for the ego to step aside. Connection to others desires instead of my own and to create a deeper connection to the transforming light.

    • #60507

      Preparation Question: What does it mean to shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal?

      Honestly, I can only guess b/c I have not had this experience yet. All of the teachings exemplify this shift as the only action of self will. To choose to take on the intention of bestowal shifts the focus away from our own needs and onto those around us. Like the old adage, when you go out the front door to serve your neighbors, G-d comes in your back door and takes care of you.

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