Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Experience Week 2 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #188074

      We have to be a part of a group that has the same intention to change our desire to receive for ourselves to an intention to give our desire to receive to the Creator.

    • #187869
      Ty Palodichuk

      I’ll let you know when I get there

    • #186274
      Abidemi Kinoshi

      It’s simply to intend to change one’s nature of receiving to that of nature of bestowal!

    • #128602

      Like Marion, I’m not sure about the question. What does it mean to shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal? I only know an egoistic perspective of reality, so I have to imagine and my imagination is also limited by what exists. And yet, I can get a glimmer of what it might be.

    • #127017

      This means to correct the selfish ego which only wants recieving to bestowal which is to to give and care for your neighbour instead.

    • #61067

      To shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal means disconnecting from my desires and start connecting with the group’s desires. It means connecting with the group on a high degree, creating a connection on a spiritual level.

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