Preparation Question: What does it mean to connect with others? In what desire are we connected?

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    • #186274
      Abidemi Kinoshi

      It’s simply to intend to change one’s nature of receiving to that of nature of bestowal!

    • #128602

      Like Marion, I’m not sure about the question. What does it mean to shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal? I only know an egoistic perspective of reality, so I have to imagine and my imagination is also limited by what exists. And yet, I can get a glimmer of what it might be.

    • #127017

      This means to correct the selfish ego which only wants recieving to bestowal which is to to give and care for your neighbour instead.

    • #61067

      To shift from an egoistic perception of reality to a perception based on bestowal means disconnecting from my desires and start connecting with the group’s desires. It means connecting with the group on a high degree, creating a connection on a spiritual level.

    • #60711
      Mira Brooks

      To connect with others relates to truly loving one’s neighbors as oneself, to where we can relate to their desires and understand the commonalities that unite us. As has been described, we are part of one universal self, like cells in an organism. We can connect through altruism to one another and build unity.

    • #60693

      Somehow I’m confused by the question. When you say ‘what does it mean’, do you mean how does it feel, or what do the books say, or what do I imagine it would be like? I have only ever known reality from an egoic perspective, I can’t imagine any other reality than the one I know or one based on the things I know.

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