Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #423500

      We view reality the way that we the created see it. Good or bad it is purely our perception. With the Creator there is no subjectivity it is pure, good with only love and bestowal. Purely objective and constant never waiving not even a bit.

    • #422726
      Participant know that there’s a creator.

    • #422692

      Understanding that it is ALL you and yours.

      I was getting worried about finishing this course because the weekend before last I was able to attend two live meetings and it was great. But after that I got hammered with so much illustration work that I couldn’t even do my reading or any of the interactive stuff. All I could do was listen to the Basic Concepts in Kabbalah and Kabbalah Explained Simply playlists on YouTube. And I was in a bit of a panic because I was afraid the world was kicking me out like it did a long time ago when I first did these courses and then was pulled away from Kabbalah for more than a decade.

      But then I was able to come back today and watch the Revelation and Concealment video. And I realized that everything I was shown in the past two weeks was actually walking me through some realizations I absolutely had to have to understand this video. It wasn’t that I was being kicked out at all. It wasn’t rejection, it was special attention.

      And that makes me very excited to get to group work at some point.

      And it makes me very grateful for all the work they do at B’nei Baruch, because as soon as I came back here I could feel all this understanding and effort that was like held in escrow for me. I returned to discover this wonderfully playful and attentive version of reality. I feel like somehow they prepared that for me.

    • #421940

      Happy life

    • #421939

      Pure joy and pleasure

    • #421097

      It means we are not using only our five senses but a sixth sense, a spiritual view/perspective.

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