Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #418961

      It is to transcend our ego and other defilements in order to learn to receive in order to bestow

      • #418988

        It means an state i aspire and work to attain, when i will be able to change the way i see my reality and will be able to see the complete and perfect picture, all harmony and interconnected in love  and compassion.

    • #418933
      Akosua Marie

      It means that we accept the order of the world as set by the Creator. We are part of the whole system. This is the only way we can escape suffering. We are the Creator’s sensors.

    • #413231
      Chloe Lymburner

      To view life without the egotistical screens/what’s in it for me lens. To transcend above time.

    • #412575

      seeing the big picture where every element is part of a larger whole. And nothing exist in isolation. going beyond recognizing seeing.

    • #411870

      To be benevolent and good and only do good, and being invariable and consistent.

    • #411745

      To understand that the Creator is the ultimate Force of bestowal and love, and that He is the author of every second of your reality. As such, your view of everything that happens to you in life must come from this perspective, only then can you begin to understand the Creator’s perspective and come closer to it.

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