Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #419984

      All is love, all is good, everything happens for a reason.

    • #419939
      Nikole Roehl


    • #419920
      Leila Havran

      Viewing reality from the perspective of the Creator means perceiving the world through a lens of complete unity, purpose, and interconnectedness. This perspective transcends the limited, ego-centered view that humans naturally possess and instead aligns with the Creator’s ultimate intention of bestowing goodness and fulfillment upon creation.



    • #419080

      Of course we cannot understand it from our level. I suppose, if I climb the ladder of spiritual development or develop the sixth sense, I will see the meaning of the creation with the eye of the Creator. Until than – desire, work, patience.

    • #418986

      The creator created everything in order to bestow so to view reality from the perspective of the creator would be to see everything in this lower world and the 5 spiritual worlds as an opportunity to bestow.

    • #418971

      It’s like Gianni said in the Spiritual GPS video, we have to get in alignment in order to aim correctly, in order to see correctly. It’s like we are out of phase with reality. Like you can only see reality through a narrow aperture, or through a fiber optic cable. If we are looking at it out of alignment we might see a bit of a glow coming from that area, but definitely not a discernible image.

      But if we read the texts and we understand that we are moving ourselves by changing ourselves on the inside, then at some point we will be in the alignment where that image resolves on our organ of perception (the kli, like an eye,) and reality will come into focus.

      Maybe that machsom barrier is just the point where we move from running away from the painful consequences of our egoism, to gaining some perception of the Creator and being drawn towards it?

      My preparation is to want the change so I can be moved to the exact right spot to see.

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