Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #312997
      William Taylor

      To see us all as one, to be corrected in love and to guide us all to his likeness in and through the way of truth love and gentleness. It is how we perceive the correction, how we kick against the goad and not seek the understanding.

    • #311866
      Adelina Santos

      The perspective of the Creator does´t change, there is no time or space. So we don´t conprehend His perspaective.

    • #311557

      To see that the Creator is only good and that everything that happens is for good. Like a parent telling a child they can’t do something that will hurt them. Seeing through the eyes of the child, the parent is “mean.” Seeing through the eyes of the parent, they are doing good for their child’s welfare and development.

    • #311320

      To let go of your own egoistic desires and begin to dream of the Creator, what was it like at the beginning experiencing His love for creation and His creatures having an unlimited desire to watch every instant through His eyes, feel His feelings and be one with Him.

    • #311008

      Viewing reality from the perspective of the Creator is by changing ourselves to accept all that he has to give which is “Good”. We perceive life as Evil because of our egoistical desires which are self gratifying. Thus, even when the Will of the Creator for me is Good and always Good, I will perceive it as Evil because it goes contrary to my Will! which is also sin to the Creator This is why there needs to be an equivalence of form towards Lishma!

    • #310454

      I think it means to see the benefit behind all things including limitations and pressures

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