Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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Viewing 6 posts - 241 through 246 (of 325 total)
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    • #295135
      Kenneth Alexander

      The view of a master gardener as he sets out to plant a new garden. He sows the seeds, knowing what they are, knowing that even the same types of seeds will produce different variations of that type of plant. He plants them in specific areas, with innate knowledge of how the environment will nurture them, from the soil they are in to the amount of sun and rain they will be under.  He calculates how every rock they are next to and gust of wind they will endure will serve to shape their ultimate outcome. From the very outset of he already has the shape of the finality in mind.

    • #295089

      To see that all is good

    • #295055

      Our perspective is always limited. We may only be guessing at what is going on around us, but the Creator knows the whole story.

    • #293992

      I understood , that The Creator IS the force within us. We live His Reality. We are pre-programed.

    • #293628

      We will then see how basically simple is our existence. We are a desire to receive pleasure. Designed and created by a being whose will is to bestow. So balanced.

    • #293080
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      The entire reality was emanated and created with a single thought

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