Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Week 4 Discuss Preparation Question: What does it mean to view reality from the perspective of the Creator?

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    • #303611

      My first thought is I don’t know.  I was always taught  to serve the Creator.  To try to see reality from the perspective of the Creator?   I want to practice staying open minded, and  let it be revealed.

    • #303582

      To have absolutely no thought about yourself or your own wellbeing, but to only consider the wellbeing of others.

    • #302995

      Oh, how much I wish I knew what it means! I mean it! I’m craving it and hurts I can not even answer this Q.

    • #302966
      Ulises Espinoza

      To view reality from the perspective of the Creator, is to not only know, but to feel that all is good… that He is good doing good without ever changing. It’s having a full grasp of the part that changes that is not Him but the perspective of each person.

    • #301483

      For myself, this means that everything comes from the Creator and all is good.

    • #301314

      to view reality from the perspective of the Creator is to know the will to bestow is a constant and never ending  will to bestow unending joy on the creature.  So when i perceive something as negative or bad or evil it is not personal but rather like a parent that wants what is best for the creature (all inanimate, vegetative, animal, and human-not just me) to bring it to maturity –equivalence of form with Creator.

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