Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 327 total)
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    • #290684

      Freedom  is in my mind,  its internal .  I can choose  friends with the point in the heart,  I can choose for  en enter in  the correct environment . I can choose  for the path of light  or liv e in darkness.               I can  choose for the wil to receive or for the will to  bestow.   And for sure the creator  will help  to make the right  solutions

    • #290664

      Since so much that happens to us seems to be out of our control … is true freedom how we react to what happens and how we react to our environment?

    • #290659
      David J

      Freedom to choose the path of light, then in the ten with the lights shining, reaching the upper worlds


    • #289646

      Having the freedom to look for the will to bestow

    • #289191
      Delayne Mohammed

      Freedom is knowing the cost and being at peace with all the decisions you make whether it is internal or external.

    • #288181
      Luc ANOUBRE

      Freedom is the ability to choose  the right environment, composed of friends who also have the point in the heart.  The Reforming Light helps us realise this choice.

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 327 total)
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