Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

Viewing 6 posts - 253 through 258 (of 327 total)
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    • #286397

      Freedom is knowing that we don’t have any. Stop trying to control everything and just let go. Simply be present and have faith in the higher power (the light). Let it gently guide you towards your true purpose.

    • #285944

      Freedom is understanding that WE have complete freedom to choose one of two paths.

      The path of Light or the path of Suffering…your choice!

    • #285074

      For me, freedom is transcending personality to achieve individualty and beyond that. But in fact, the only choice we have is our environment, so we have to choose it wisely so that the reforming light can do it for us.

    • #284862

      Freedom is putting ourselves in the proper environment and connection with the Science of Kabbalah.

    • #284376
      Yvon Decelles

      am I getting this right?, freedom is the capacity to decide (or not) to go along with what the creator prepared for you since In any case you’re not really at the wheel of your life. Go willingly or go kicking but you’re

    • #283788

      Freedom is learning that our intentions are our force of understanding I must change my intentions on what is happening around me and allowing the light to help me grow my perception of bestow.

Viewing 6 posts - 253 through 258 (of 327 total)
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