Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

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  • #37688

    Preparation Question: What is freedom and how, by the help of the Reforming Light, can we acquire it?

Viewing 6 posts - 259 through 264 (of 301 total)
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    • #219546

      Freedom is acquired when: our egoistic desires of “receiving Light with the intention of receiving pleasure for our self” transform into altruistic desires of “receiving Light with the intention of giving pleasure to the others, a.k.a. the Creator.” According to the teaching of Kabbalah, we can achieve this by associating with other people who are more interested in the “internal worlds” of ABYA than in the “external world” of physicality, which exists at the lowest point (below the barrier) of Assiya.

    • #219532

      Freedom is recognizing that our internality is more important than our external situation or circumstances, so that the more we strive to connect with our Creator. the more freedom we will experience.

    • #219515
      Talya Machuca

      Freedom is the ability to choose the right intention in order to manifest the returning light.


    • #188117
      Tiago Casellato

      Freedom is to choose friends more interested in internalities than externalities and connect with them spiritually.

    • #188070
      Sol Belo

      Freedom is the ability to take action

    • #187350

      Freedom is the choice between the intentions “in order to receive” and “in order to bestow”.

      Studying Kabbalistic books will develop our inner desire to grow the intention “in order to bestow” because it draws the Reforming Light to us.

      According to the video, it is also important to connect with other people and consistently choose an environment that values spirituality more than corporeality.

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