Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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  • #28787

    Reflect: Share something from the lesson that blew your mind, or even just gave you a new perspective.

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    • #406090

      I came to this course thinking and explaining to another that it was about a form of Jewish mysticism called Kabbalah. I have since gone back to that person and exclaimed ‘it’s a science’.

    • #405905

      Good day to you all.
      I asked a few questions last night and you told me that you will email me the answers in a few hours, but I have not received any.
      my questions were:

      1- we have 5 worlds, 10 Sefirot and 10 dimensions,what are these to each other one, if any?

      2- Soul and spirit ?

      In advance,


      • #406905

        Hi Sima,

        1. The Creator created a single desire to receive pleasure. In the process of correction, this desire gets partitioned into sefirot, partzufim, and worlds.

        The most basic division of the desire is 1 Sefira. 5 Sefirot compose 1 partzuf. 5 Partzufim compose 1 world. There are 5 worlds in total. So 5 worlds each with 5 partzufim each with 5 sefirot equals 125 (5x5x5) steps on the spiritual ladder, or in other words corrections that need to be performed on the desire.

        In the book Kabbalah for the Student, there’s an article called Foreword to the Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah ( which lists these 125 steps in the language of sefirot/partzufim/olamot(worlds). For now, these are just technical terms for us, but in the future lessons we’ll dive deeper into these things and learn how to feel and experience them.

        In simpler words, the 125 steps represents the difference between us and the Creator. The Creator is a desire to bestow and we are the desire to receive. Adapting our desire to receive to work in order to bestow takes 125 steps. So to the extent that we correct our nature, make it similar to the Creator’s nature, to that extent we’re “climbing” this ladder.

        In other words, ascending or descending this ladder is not a physical action, but rather depends on how much we’re similar to the Creator’s quality of bestowal (ascending) or less similar to it and more egoistic (descending).

        All of this operates according to the law of equivalence of form. Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        2. Our nature is the desire to receive pleasure. The Creator’s nature is opposite, that of pure love and bestowal. Our work is to correct our opposite egoistic nature and make it similar to the Creator’s nature.

        The soul is also a type of desire. It’s the same desire to receive pleasure after it’s been corrected to operate in the direction of bestowal. So the soul = desire to receive corrected to work in the direction of bestowal.

        As you saw in answer #1, the desire to receive can be divided into 5 parts, 5 levels of coarseness of the desire. Corresponding to the 5 levels of the desire, there are 5 levels of the soul: Nefesh, Ruach (spirit), Neshama, Haya, Yechida.

        To the extent that we correct our nature for it to operate in the direction of bestowal, to that extent we build and discover these different levels of the soul.

        Check out this blog post from Rav Laitman for more details:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #405182

      For me, it was about the meaning of life for 57 years. I really have struggled with what it all means. I was not born into any doctrine, only an awareness of our Creator and a feeling I was being saved, especially when times were extremely challenging. To know that the heartfelt quest of searching for the meaning of life I have now arrived at with an available science , and being welcomed to learn it is more significant than I could ever speak.

      This is a very different lesson to what I’ve already been introduced to with Kabbalah thus far. I find the concept of getting to learn to have a connection to the spiritual world here in the proper manner a worthy lesson. And finally having to change something about me to make that connection feels right..

      Thank you For making this lesson harmonious to comprehend.

      • This reply was modified 4 months ago by Marie.
    • #396730

      That the upper world causes the effects in the lower world, but we can effect the upper world which effects the lower world.  This leaves me wondering what to do with a situation… I was boarding my livestock on a farm. The farm owners clearly made plans to take my livestock because they wanted the livestock and to put me out of business. I can go to court to have my livestock returned but I will have to file papers in court and present my case.  Is there a Kabbalah way to handle this?  I’ve asked creator to change me to better serve him.

      • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Lisa.
      • #397833

        Hi Lisa,

        Kabbalists are not monks, they continue to exist on the level of this world throughout the entire spiritual ladder of corrections. As such we need to continue to lead our corporeal lives in a normal way. If I’m sick, I go to the doctor. If I lose my job, I build up my resume and look for another one. If someone is hurting me, I stop them, turn to the cops, sue them, etc. Whatever is the normal way of dealing with these problems in our society, that is how we deal with them.

        In addition to all of these things, internally, we will begin to see how all of life is a game between us and the Creator. But that’s our internal work. It does not cancel out any of the normal things we need to do externally in life.

        Albert @ KabU

    • #395981
      K M

      I’ve been feeling really stuck in life lately, like my life isn’t moving. Kabbalah helps me understand that I am not stuck, that I have the power to change my circumstances.

    • #395963

      The idea brought from Gileads story about the ship repairman that tapping in the right place is enough to set things in order.

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