Reflect: Write a revelation from the lesson that sparked your curiosity or revealed to you a fresh viewpoint.

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  • #41568

    Reflect: Write a revelation from the lesson that sparked your curiosity or revealed to you a fresh viewpoint.

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    • #389606

      I really appreciated the lesson telling me that the point in the heart is also egoistical. But that’s okay! We should just focus on developing it nonetheless and not worry about it being egoistical since this is simply Lo Lishma which is a valid and natural phase of the path.

    • #381831

      “We are directed to Kabbalah from Above. (Quite often we are di-
      rected elsewhere, toward other “spiritual techniques” which means that we must go through still other phases of development. It might take several more lifetimes before we arrive at Kabbalah).

      Finally, when we begin to study Kabbalah, our every desire begins
      to grow within us. We become more egoistic, and therefore smarter.
      Greater worldly desires are born, especially sexual ones.”

      This is so very true for my life experience.  I spent 30 years in an other “spiritual technique” and it wasn’t until the pandemic when I was directed toward Kabbalah because I could not stay where I was.  I still had spiritual yearning which was and still is my intention for learning.  What surprises me the most is that “our every desire grows and we become more egoistic and smarter.  Greater worldly desires are born, especially sexual ones.”  I’m a little shocked at that.

    • #381674

      It was a very good lesson, very well explained.


    • #377224

      Using the ego for the benefit of others as opposed to destroying it, was a big take away for me.

    • #363267

      to connect has generally left me wanting, and so connecting in bestowing is a new thing entirely, Yes. Thanks

    • #362407
      Leyah Lynette Evol

      I have no doubt that Kabballah holds authentic knowledge for Spiritual Awakening because I can equate the knowledge to soo much of what I’ve experienced, many death and rebirth cycles, after so many I started to understand them by physical symptoms and animal visits.  The physical was / is a rash that eventually dries up and leaves the skin looking like a snake that has shed it’s skin.  My last visitors which appeared in my bedroom, on the same night, was a scorpion (which shook me to my core) and a beautiful ladybird (which restored my hope), I sobbed and rejoiced and appreciated the messages each brought.  It has been a rough climb.  I’m so grateful for the knowledge … makes me feel less crazy Lol.

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