Reflect: Write a revelation from the lesson that sparked your curiosity or revealed to you a fresh viewpoint.

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  • #41568

    Reflect: Write a revelation from the lesson that sparked your curiosity or revealed to you a fresh viewpoint.

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    • #339478

      How ego really damaged us, and is a force that we feel very comfortable with and hardly feel it.

      Thank you.

    • #339412
      Steve Miley

      Beginning to understand the difference between desire itself and the ego it’s all becoming clear to me. It’s a beautiful thing.

    • #337415

      I guess I could call it ‘finding relief.’ I feel like I’ve been on this journey all by myself for a long time. I’m so relieved to know that there is a way forward and that the way is not alone. I’ve always sensed a sort of patience from the Creator and feel that I was led to be here, right now. I yearn for inner correction. I feel my imperfections and I accept them as necessary learning experiences. I’m grateful to be here. Thank you to all the instructors. Might take awhile, but once I get through all the Hebrew and download inwardly, all the concepts, I will find the inner comfort that I’ve been searching for, for a long time.

    • #335296
      Jack Davidsen

      When I watched video 2.1 and/or video 2.2, I began to realize what has been missing from all my attempts to do the right thing and help make the world a better, a good, world. This was always what I felt was what I wanted to do in life, but it never worked. Instead I got apposed at every turn, suspected and disbelieved, even accused of lying and of being evil.

      What I was missing was that very fundamental and most crucial thing of all: A direct connection with the Creator, – It’s not that I didn’t believe in Him, certainly not. I always felt His presence and that He was guiding me towards “something”. But I never engaged Him directly because I felt I wasn’t ‘good enough’, I hadn’t achieved a spiritual level that justified me asking Him about anything, and certainly not asking Him to help me. So I just knew He was there, but struggled on my own.

      Now I understand how important it is to engage with Him directly, and I know how to do so, and now I also know how to pray.


      When I watched video 2.4, you (Julian) made me chuckle when you said (something like this) “You probably have, or will, ask yourselves: Isn’t the wish to become like Him the greatest example of Egoistic drive that one can think of?”

      It made me chuckle because yes, of course I have thought of that. But the answer doesn’t change: We have to work with our Ego by correcting our intentions – and alternatively maintain our already corrected intentions – behind the ego-driven things that we do and aspire to do.


      PS. I apologize for being late once again. This week I have been battling Covid, but I’m finally beginning to feel better. Thank you in advance for bearing with me.

    • #335094

      It’s beginning to make sense.  That’s a relief !

      What is new & exciting is to be able to accept, now, that my ego is here to stay, that there is no point in trying to suppress it, and that it s based on the desire to do better than someone else.   I have been witnessing this in myself recently, and noticing that it causes  me to be irritable & critical – which of course is noticed and the same is given back to me.  Not pleasant for me, or the Other !

      Since this is true for everyone, I may as well stop being critical of myself, since I can now see it from a higher perspective. However, I can only change myself, and although we ve been told Others will change around us, so far, I dont know that, and feel ambiguous and curious as to how I will see others from now on.

      So, it seems, my friends, that we are being prepared to begin the group of 10, where we will have a LAB, a place where all this will begin to be recognized consciously.  I am guessing that my ego will find it very challenging !  I just hope the point in the heat is strong & will prevail !

    • #332824

      1) nothing in our reality is without a purpose of good.

      2) Slowly, through our life experiences, we will begin to see that everything comes from a single attitude of someone, this Upper Force that operates on us. This is the point from which the wisdom of Kabbalah truly begins.

      3) Love covers all crimes

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