Reflect: Share a revelation from the session that stimulated your imagination or offered a fresh perspective.

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  • #57439

    Reflect: Share a revelation from the session that stimulated your imagination or offered a fresh perspective.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 26 total)
  • Author
    • #316574
      John Caton

      The single “something” is my realization that connection is the law of reality. I’m ready to connect, although it doesn’t come easy for me.

    • #310597
      Jack Brenon

      Wow!  Jam packed session.  You certainly saved the best for last!  I think I now understand the emblem of the tree on the website everywhere.  Or to be honest, maybe I do understand it:  the Massach is the line dividing the tree and the root! Malkut is the root and the tree is “the society” (Benai Baruch);  Spirituality is the fruit  (Ohr Hozer -reflected light) where society grows.  One has to do Tsim Tsum (restriction on their spiritual desire) on the root in order for the tree to grow. First, the buds of the tree require “bestow to bestow”, then the tree needs the root to transfer water and it becomes “receive in order to bestow”.   Without a root, there is no tree and without the light  (Ohr hozer) there are no roots.  By the same talking, The deeper the roots, the bigger the tree that needs the light (Ohr Hozer) to shade the inanimate and the animate alike.  Incredible!  And very difficult to put into words!

    • #307079

      What blows my mind is the dance, this interplay of bestowal and reception…that it is not one or the other and that ein sof contains within it a perfectly harmonious balance of the both.

    • #304063

      My take away and new perspectives are: Tzimzum (the conscious restriction) and Masach (the miraculous gift from the Light that enables)! Learnt they are really key in my spiritual work within the group to ascend the spiritual ladder.

      Another take away; I am not in the group for myself benefit, but in it to bestow to the group.. and the group in turn is my spiritual womb to nurture and bestow to me. In other words, “i am for the group, and the group is for me”!

    • #304043
      Marko Podgorsek

      A while ago I got a ‘revelation’ that all the important parts of my life were not done by what I perceived as ME (ego me). And I knew I was led here to Kabbalah. It’s nice to get a confirmation of my thoughts by an Kabbalah instructor. It adds so much weight to them. Thank you 😇.

    • #299155

      To learn the right way to give and receive I need the right environment, the fight group and people to do so.

Viewing 6 posts - 13 through 18 (of 26 total)
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