Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 1 Course Reflections Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

  • #28820

    Share any/all of the following: What most inspired me in the course? What have I learned about myself in the process? What do I wish for my fellow students in their spiritual development?

Viewing 6 posts - 343 through 348 (of 534 total)
  • Author
    • #296306
      Massimo Roselli

      The course has enabled me to get closer to some deep fundamental Kabbalistic concepts that I feel are becoming part of my life experience. Not easy at times but I know my desire is growing bigger and I want to make the effort to be closer to the Upper Force. Ultimately, it’s all about how I use my desires.

      I have found some of the concepts really astounding and thought provoking. Being a Kabbalah student for a few years, I knew about the concept of living in a world of illusions but for the very first time the way this is elaborated throughout the course has allowed me to comprehend it and feel it.

      I wish for my fellow students to continue to cultivate their desire and work on their intention to bestow as this is key to walk the path towards the equivalence of form and truly experience the beauty of life. As a result, the world around them will be affected.

    • #296193
      Abe Tapia

      The most inspiring part of the course was knowing that I am at the right place, at the right time with the right teachers and students so that I can develop my spirituality and become one with all of you.  Love thy neighbor as thyself.

    • #296131

      Hello everyone!

      To say the least, it was an awakening experience for me, mostly on the Topic of Equivalence of Form with the Creator which is suppose to be the goal of every aspiring Israelite.

      About myself i have learned that i have the potential in me (the point in the heart) that i can intentionally develop by correcting my egoistic desires and intentions with the Reforming Light, into a purified receptive vessel with a new intention to bestow in an equivalent form as the Creator.

      For my fellow students, i wish for a sustained desire and resilience on this  journey of the path of Light to attain our common goal of Equivalence of Form with the Creator to bestow only goodness and benefits.

      Kind regards


    • #296017

      I was most inspired by the related videos that continuously reiterated what appeared to be simple concepts and taught them in different ways by different Kabbalah students.

      I’ve learned to question everything I see, think, touch, taste, and hear and to implement corrected desire as much as I can, reminding me that there is a creator and that I’m alive and intimately connected to Him.

      I wish for the students to continue this course and to see to it that this takes precedence above everyone and everything else as much as possible so that we can all be free.

    • #296016

      I keep pleasure when I stop thinking about myself and bestow upon others.

      I wish the most increasing light on the screen of kelim of all students.

    • #295879

      The concept of equivalence of form is what inspired me the most. In the process, I have learned that I am an egoist person and my ego is there purposely that it is the one that helps me ascend spiritually at last. I wish my friends ascend spiritually using the three basic things in kabbalah which are books, teachers and groups.

Viewing 6 posts - 343 through 348 (of 534 total)
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