Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

New Home Forums Course Forums The Spiritual Partnership 4. Expanding Your Perception Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

  • #37790

    Tal Mandelbaum

    Share something from the lesson that you found insightful, or share your impressions from the exercise.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 32 total)
  • Author
    • #424641

      I am impressed by the idea of creating an internal map of your partner and setting aside time for discussion of goals, without judgment.

    • #421895

      I like the idea that unconditional love expands our perception and makes us as one

    • #419018

      I like the map and the steps, some of the scenarios for me have issues from different angles but I will still give it a try.

    • #411672
      Mel Farrell

      I don’t actually have a partner so the level of intimacy is not as deep as I share with my associates and friends. This has made me aware of my isolation in this lesson

    • #376059

      I REALLY appreciate this lesson because 1) it suggests practical tools, and 2) the analogies are very helpful in explaining how sharing an experience eg., football stadium, or a connection eg., cells, ultimately builds our sensitivity toward our partner and leads to a a higher quality relationship. I like the used of the concept of shared space.

      I think it would be great to make a time each week to talk and keep a notebook to summarize your conversation, or a way you felt closer to your partner that week, and maybe agreements if you’re working toward improving something in your relationship. I can see how this would extend to a family exercise – meeting each week to teach children how to sew love and appreciation and build family cohesiveness. In this way we could help prepare them for building their own happy home someday.


    • #372537

      It’s easy for us to talk and share openly, the rough part is to remember when we’re stressed and under pressure. But I want to try and expand these exercises (at least in my mind) to other people too I might know enough to make a list of what they need most and do my best to implement it with them too, even if I can’t really sit down and talk to them (like family members or co-workers…)

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 32 total)
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