Share your impressions and experience from listening to the book of Zohar. What feelings did it evoke in you?

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  • #29781

    Share your impressions and experience from listening to the book of Zohar. What feelings did it evoke in you?

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 188 total)
  • Author
    • #285323
      Yvon Decelles

      As I didn’t have to hold the intent at the same time as listening and trying to intellectually comprehend it was easier to keep the intent while listening in Hebrew. It allowed time for introspection.

    • #285166
      Dora Francis

      Just couldn’t hold the thought bestowal as my mind was busy trying to interpret the meaning of the words even though I know that at this stage it’s impossible to do so.

    • #284271

      I followed the English version with my active mind and tried to hold the intention. In Hebrew, I felt that I was in between sleeping and wakening. I will try again later!

    • #283695
      Denis A

      i was trying to listen with my eyes closed. And trying to think of desire to bestow and the intention of god. i tried to think of a similar situation. the first thought  that came is when im tired after work and play with my son, his smile. and after that there were a some blankets of light on top of each other and i was running and dancing with my sun  surrounded by a immensurable light. On the other hand i didnt understand the text, my focused switched completely to my vision. Probably i should go and listen to it again.

    • #283266
      Roberto Ayala

      This weekend has been very difficult for me to concentrate to study, as I normally do. I think it’s because I’m more tired than usual.

      When I was listening to the audio in english I was thinking about the sefirot, the partzufim and their interaction with the light. Then an issue came up that I have pending. When I listened to the audio in hebrew and scanned the text in the pdf several times, I thought about the meaning that the hebrew language is much more guttural than english, spanish is in the middle; and then two unfinished business came to my mind.

    • #283240
      Richard Lively

      I am not sure i can fully understand what it means to “bestow” as i am not even sure if I have “developed a Masach” So i tried to tell myself “I am listening for this to be a pleasure until you, great and wonderful creator”.  I kept trying to hold on to that idea and it was suddenly like I had ADHD (which i do not).  I could not concentrate on the words, and i kept having different “reshimot” appear.  I am sure this is part of the Egoist in me, that is simply battling or rejecting light on a spiritual platform.  But without true revelation of what is beyond again I can only assume this is why I could not hold the “intention” i do not truly understand yet.  It is possible I could have a screen, or even be in bestowal, but until I have an actual guide to help me understand these sensations i have concluded this again is the brain and the ego working together to rationalize what neither can truly understand without someone who is experienced in such matters to understand such things to help confirm or deny what one feels inside.  I would say this is the hardest part about spirituality in general, “we walk by faith” not sight.

Viewing 6 posts - 115 through 120 (of 188 total)
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