What are you feeling after this lesson?

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  • #42493

    What are you feeling after this lesson?

    Share a few words about your impression with the other students taking this course with you and check out what they’re feeling too. 

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 74 total)
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    • #313043
      Seeker of Wisdom

      I feel encouraged and discouraged. The former due to so much authentic spiritual wisdom that is available today. The latter due to the fact that so many people could care less about spirituality. It is surprising how most are still at a basic animate level and seem to covet what others have as the ego is never content and is willing to experience desire at the expense of others. The truth is available now, but so few will take a look at it. It seems that the phones and other devices got ‘smarter’ as the ego sank further into a stupefied frenzy. These devices could be such a valuable tool if they were used in less egotistical ways. I am thankful that many spiritually minded people have the opportunity to connect via technology and put it to good use. I pray that my fellow students find the puzzle pieces they need to make the meaning of their lives complete.

    • #311517

      It seems to me as I’ve travelled through this life, that we choose certain experiences in order to gather knowledge and wisdom, so that at some point, we may graduate from this School of Physicality, after going through these stages of desire. Finally, we see that just gathering possessions, money and power, that we still are seeking higher knowledge of our soul’s purpose, and our true Origin, and want to make contact with that higher part of ourselves, where our spiritual desire can then become our main focus, and that sets us on the road to return to the spiritual realms, where we can focus on higher expressions of being.

    • #311457
      Abbaa Naa’ol



      In this course, you will learn how to situate everything you’re going through, your life, the life of the surrounding world, as well as any event in history within a map .

    • #304492

      i feel as if my whole being internally shifts depending on where the focal point of my mind is + the nature of desires i hold and intention behind them. I steer these and often fail along the way to success as i incorporate the wisdom of these teachings in my personal life.

      I feel as if i daily went through loops of developing self in 4 phases, constantly ascending or descending, depending on how much attention my internal desires manage to capture and attitude i choose related to them at that point in time.

      Developing a soul is an evolving mystery to me, but i’m sure its a worth investment that will earn ample interest.

    • #301382

      humanity is always growing  , in this live we must learn to changes our desires   no egoisme  but bestowal   accepting each other as a part of myself  , sharing love arouund  us , not anymore survival of the fittest  but survivel of love and kindness understanding   connection   is the spirit,  the Upper Force is  driving us  in the right corrction   to the upper goal  in spirituality

    • #299660

      Feeling frustrated, but not sure why.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 74 total)
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