What are you feeling after this lesson?

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  • #42501

    What are you feeling after this lesson?

    Share a few words about your impression with the other students taking this course with you and check out what they’re feeling too. 

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 70 total)
  • Author
    • #220114

      It’s all or none?

      That surprises me; I expected evil people who refuse to change to be left behind.

      I do believe if everyone would deflate their fear and ego this world would become more beautiful.  I would love to be a witness to everyone truly loving and caring about everyone.  At this stage, it is almost impossible to imagine.

    • #218945
      Jan Koons

      Tony, your video was the most profound lesson I have ever heard. I have downloaded it and listen to it every single day. It keeps me on the path and explains why it is so very important to love our friends and neighbors as ourselves. Would love to share it with several other people – who are not Kabbalah students (yet)..is that allowed?

    • #187493
      Arabela Dias

      I felt joy while listening to the music and imagining all the people conected…let’s make it real!

    • #186320

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>I feel that no matter what happens there is nothing to worry about because the universe is vast and if we don’t make it now, we will make it in another solar system.</p>

    • #183897

      This lesson really helped me to start to see evil differently. I can also leave much up to the Creator, and let nature work through me. Sometimes, less effort is more productive.

    • #183793
      Jan Koons

      Me too Iggy! I felt a warmth and saw pink (which I associate with love) to all my neighbors, the city, and then all of you in class with me. We all came together holding hands under a huge tree with light shining down on us. Beautiful.

Viewing 6 posts - 43 through 48 (of 70 total)
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