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New Home Forums Course Forums Standing On The Threshold 1. This Is Where? Share your insights and impressions from this lesson with fellow students.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 104 total)
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    • #60336

      I have hope in what’s happening now..I sense the Creator in everything that is going on,not only around me but also within me ..we are evolving and it’s beautiful!

    • #60265

      I have great hope for what’s ahead, I am pretty confidant that God is hinting to us, that we must love our way into the, “foggy future”.  It will take an honest and vigorous effort from each of us to accomplish this. So, “let’s love our way into the future”. Sounds easy enough, but quite honestly, This is extremely challenging for me. These dark days make it very difficult for myself, to love others, but it’s these challenges that remind me of that fact that I must love others, (oxymoron), I do not love everybody, however I do love my family and friends to the best of my ability, but my ability to love others is greatly flawed. currently working on that, hence, why I’ve chosen to take this course, thanks for having me.

    • #60224

      I am not sure what the future holds…on the surface things seem to be getting worse, more gvt restrictions, more divisions and hate, more inequality. For me personally, Covid has been a blessing, I was finally able to slow down, be home with my son and start my own business online. When I look at the crisis on a higher level, I feel we are at a split…we are either heading to our own self destruction or we are finally going to understand the call of nature and unite. I do worry that it may be too late and nature is going to get rid of us before we learn our lesson…I hope not!

    • #59985


      I hope for the future to be positive and that people/mankind learn to respect, accept and help each other far more than now and “before”. But I am not really sure what the future will bring. I feel fear of war in the world and that mankind will not be able to learn to love one another in the right way. I fear that nature will be destroyed and that there will be lack of food for beast and man, however I also hope and wish  that mankind will be able to recreate nature with love and respect and to produce food without doing harm to animal and nature.

    • #59948
      Arabela Dias

      Whatever may be the future, may each one of us look inside and do oneself correction, contributing to the whole correction.

    • #59850

      We are in a continuous evolving cycle and life will not return to the old normal. Spirituality will need to become part of our education system, enabling future generations to live in harmony.

Viewing 6 posts - 73 through 78 (of 104 total)
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