Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

  • #55164

    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 378 total)
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    • #400515

      I took this course six years ago and it greatly improved my life. The instructors and the whole KabU experience is wonderful. I see they have made some changes and I can’t wait to delve in again to this amazing environment.

    • #398794
      David the Bruce

      I’m new to the graduate environment and decided its time to start one of the many courses available.  This one seems like a logical first….foundational information.

    • #396701

      I’m new to Kabbalah and so far what I’m learning is mind blowing . I want to gain inner wisdom. With out a blue print it’s impossible to speak of the history of something before we know the thing itself.

    • #394308

      I’ve been a KabU member for about 2-3 years, but this is my first course. I saw a YouTube video today from KabbalahInfo channel on Blueprint of Creation, and I want to continue study on this topic. Ideas I’m pondering lately that may bear on the topic include: 1) knowing by looking (duality) vs. knowing be Being (oneness).2) facets of the term “oneness” and why is Orthodox Christianity allergic to some or various interpretations of oneness, always wanting to preserve individuality, seemingly afraid of getting swallowed up or individuality lost, yet acknowledging that what we do can affect the whole for good or ill because we’re all connected, 3) exploring the idea that all was created at once, including us spiritually, that our existence is prior to physical conception, and am not referring to “reincarnation” as generally understood, 4) Genesis 1 — that we are made in the image and likeness of God (*as spirit*). 5) creation as Beingness and flows, with spiritual information in the flow. 6) we are co-creators with each other and God in many ways, 7) On the Mind of God, how much can we know of it, 8) we are children of God but expected to grow up spiritually, 9) Eternal as both qualitative and temporal (time-indefinite or time-infinite in one or more directions, though there are no absolutes in the physical universe of time-space so time cannot be infinite)..

    • #394252

      Hi I’ve been here before, sometime last year, so I decided I needed a refresher on the content. I find that input from the other KabU resources requires another look into this subject matter, which I found captivating so to apply my updated knowledge to the Blueprint of Creation will help me take it captive.

    • #392777
      Seamus Dolan

      I was listening to a previous episode of  “A Sage speaks – Baal HaSulam articles” which I didn’t understand but it was mentioned by one of the participants that this course would help.

Viewing 6 posts - 19 through 24 (of 378 total)
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