Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

  • #55164

    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 378 total)
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    • #392184

      To gain more deeper knowledge of how the universe was created and of the ten sefirot.

    • #391677

      I have heared about this course from friend in A Sage Speaks – Baal HaSulam Articles session.

      I hope the gain better understanding  and attainment of Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah.




    • #387758

      I love Gianni’s lectures on the Emergent Universe and want to delve into another one of his forte. I am so entranced by anything related to our existence, not just the theoretical but the spiritual aspect of it. I would also love to gain the  inner wisdom on how to navigate our reality and live a life that is filled with love, altruism, and light. Can’t wait to delve and dig deeper.

    • #387612
      Matei Rawi (Tembo)

      Hello to all .lm jaspher from kenya. The my aim of me being here to learn and track my Way back.to learn more how I can attain the level to my creator having understood that it’s not for my egoist desire I live today but spiritually am being directed to be were I was created and come to this universe for more direction..I do thank kabbalah and all the other students whom by will of one created us we find this kabbalah.


    • #387436

      I am really impressed by the idea that our reality is just a subjective projection that we grasp as being complete, because we are limited to the 5 senses that we have been given. It is a very calming experience to find there is more than that; and that some things are just showing themselves in the connection between friends. Anyways, thus inspired, I am very curious to start to understand how our subjective human reality connects with any spiritual reality. Whic hof our emotional/ social laws do really connect to the law of nature? Which aspects should be left separate, which do interact? There are so many questions about that, therefore I am very happy to start this course :-).

    • #387289

      to understand more.

Viewing 6 posts - 25 through 30 (of 378 total)
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