Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

New Home Forums Course Forums The Blueprint of Creation 1. The Thought of Creation Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

  • #55164

    Welcome to the course! What brings you here? Please share with the community what you hope to gain from this course

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 378 total)
  • Author
    • #374292

      I am here to gain a more in depth knowledge of the wisdom of kabbalah and to incorporate it in my daily life.

    • #371835
      Jason Smith

      i am hoping to learn the details of topics only mentioned at a high level in the kabbalah revealed courses.

    • #371764

      Tools for Spiritual Growth. Started my journey in 1991 with Reiki and reading different Books on Spirituality.

    • #371188
      Yeshua Catherineka

      I am Catherine.
      From Pakistan.
      I joined kabbalah because I had the urge to speak and connect to the creator. I use to focus on psalm 42, and ask the creator to teach me how to know him profoundly like a friend.

    • #368473
      Martin Elizondo

      My name is Martin. I have always been interested in Kabbalah and read a few books about it. I would like to get more involved in it by following structured courses such as the one presented in KabU.

    • #365962

      My name is John and I’m diving into Kabbalah after months of study and discernment. Grateful to have found this wonderful resource.

Viewing 6 posts - 49 through 54 (of 378 total)
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