What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #126340

      Everything is new.. what strikes the most is the revelation that we are born to be receivers, egoistic and that there is an upper reality which is a real reality that governs all of humanity not the world that we are in at present.

    • #126315

      It’s all new! I had never really deviled into the details of Kabbalah. Only that which people talked about like Madonna. LOL
      The one huge thing that was an amazing revelation for me that resonated with me so deeply, is that we were created to be receivers. It makes so much sense, as I experience the Love of the Creator as a 4 step type meditation … 1. Receiving the Unconditional Love of the Creator that pours down and fills me up (now I see it picturing filling me like a chalice!) 2. I realize I am made of Unconditional Love as it fills me to the rim 3.The Unconditional Love fills me up and overflows to the world (the receiver becomes the giver) and 4. I feel the flood of Unconditional Love from the other cups as they are filled and overflowing out to the World.
      I am excited to continue to hear more!

    • #63252

      I’ve heard this before but it never settles in me.

    • #63161

      The method of receiving that is actually giving is completely new to me. never heard of it before now and i’m glad I learnt that in this class

    • #63001

      What I am learning here so far about Kabbalah  feels very comfortable in that I am a religious scientist.

      Religious Science says: There is only one life and that life is God, all that God is, I am.

      Ok so you say its not required in Kabbalah to believe in God, but I’ll wait to understand what it is you put as a name to the Creator, Universe, Source, etc. I see it as the same.

    • #63000

      Well I am absolutely open to learn from the beginning as if I never heard anything before. Clean slate. Because I didn’t actually make the connection anyway. I was told that the Tarot was some kind of template to explain the Kabbalah but I never got that. I ‘ve also listened to other speakers on the subject. I just want to come open and fresh to receive what I’m supposed to receive right now.

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