What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #127819

      That we are born to desire is new to me.

      The definition of of faith in Kabbalah – a tangible, vivid, complete, unbreakable, and irrefutable perception of the Creator.
      Thus, the only way that I can acquire faith in the Creator is to become exactly like Him.

    • #127638
      Anthie Televantou

      I asked the Creator to help me be on the right path and to understand the world and Him. Kabbalah has helped me connect the dots. I am really grateful that He is guiding me through my dreams and my thoughts. I have found a new way of loving God and everything around me.

    • #127276

      The things that have been surprising and new are perhaps too numerous, however I was most delighted by the concept of requesting a change to occur within ourselves, rather than assuming a self-centred stance and pleading with the Creator to adjust its divine plans as though our human intellect is somehow superior, or carries more wisdom – this is unfortunately the norm, and I feel so fortunate to have come-across this, for I’m now in a position to avoid making such mistakes along the path, along this journey.

    • #126899
      Caio Sandoval

      To ask the creator not to change the world around us, but to change us and how we perceive the perfection of it

    • #126838
      Jan Koons

      wow, where do I begin? First, was realizing what is written in the Zohar and books is not at all about this reality and instead about the upper worlds. That resonates with me but I’m still digesting it. Second, there are steps to get there and you are going to show us what they are. Thank you. Third, that it is OK to receive. In fact, that is really what we were created to do…and then to give in return. That one is going to take a bit as I was raised not to ask for myself yet, of course, that is really all I do. LOL. I am going to watch that video again. I know I love how you explain the ego. Can’t wait to delve deeper. Thank you Tony for these classes.

    • #126357

      The Tree of  Life always intrigued me. But now the  explanation given through Kabbalah videos, I find a new concept of tree of life.

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