What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #62908

      What you said about prayer, makes a lot more sense

    • #62733

      Changing my perception on how to look at the world. This is going to take practise and work.

    • #62566

      I have discovered that kabbalist’s look at things from a different place and that I find  quite refreshing.  For sometime I have been in an unhealthy place.  Although I knew the problem was in me I could not figure out what was at the core of my problems.   Stumbling across this course last week was the result of my looking for something, but for what I did not know.   Now I have study only the smallest part, I have learnt that I have been sailing around rudderless  having very little affect on anything including myself.  Also I have  learnt that I have accepted doctrines without posing any real questions, I have accepted for the main part the script.  This small lesson has had a huge affect on me, it has taught me that I need to study some more and actually put the theories to the test.  To achieve this I must look at myself very closely to understand my desires, to build my ego a little bit, it is not a bad thing, but to stay focused on my intentions, for it is those that define.  Added to this is the knowledge that I must learn from the negative things that happen, maybe they are lessons to help us become better.  need to watch that bit again

    • #61649

      Well, I have learned about Baal Sulam.  I didn’t know about him, and I also didn’t know the Zohar was a large collection of books.  I always assumed it was one volume.  I’m learning the Kabbalistic jargon.  I’m familiar with many of the concepts from earlier study of philosophy and religion, but the course, particularly the video discussions, are helping me understand some of the concepts better.  For instance, in my study of the Qur’an there is the concept of “Seeking Allah’s good pleasure,” which I have always considered deeply, but I have been at a loss in putting my finger on exactly what it means.  I now believe the Kabbalistic concept of prayer to change yourself in order to please the Creator is what that particular phrase in the Qur’an means.  There are instances in the Qur’an of prophets such as Abraham and Solomon doing just that, so I have begun doing the same.

    • #60782

      First time I’ve ever heard anyone call praying a bribe.

    • #60399

      I learned that the ego isn’t bad after all since the Creator doesn’t create anything bad

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