What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #44669
      dyke dyke

      Well, after having to unlearn all the misconceptions about it, the following:

      – It is an actual science
      – It (maybe) is the inspiration for most, if not all, world religions
      – That there is a practical, logical method to attain spiritual awareness
      – It seems as old as recorded human history
      – That it, unlike many philosophies or religions, doesn’t require you to live in a temple on a mountain top

    • #44165

      That I qm able to connect to my creator with or without a religious affiliation. I have also learnt that everything good and bad that has affected me or happened in my life is/was and will be controlled by only the creator.

    • #43811
      Uğur Kafadar

      Now I understand receiving is – with the right intention – giving. Now I understood that the real intention is to let things happen to you as what the host desired and in the way it prefers to share with us. thanks to you and for all your efforts.

    • #43639

      Kabbalah is the most beautiful science that change my life receiving the Reforming Light and I still in the process to correct my soul, it’s so amazing the different between Religion and Kabbalah.

    • #43601

      That I never should have forgotten.

    • #43457

      That Kabbalah is the teaching off the Universal Harmony, discovered- given to us since the times of Abraham, that essentially three monotheistic religions are coming from this knowledge, distorted by human’s flat possibility to comprehend, that the science went where it is being concentrated only on what is manifested while Kabbala gives key to understand the roots.

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