What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #42699

      That there is a giver and a receiver and  that the ego is how we receive through our 5 senses.

    • #42698

      That there is a hover and a receiver and  that the ego is how we receive through our 5 senses.

    • #42599

      Kabbalah always teaches me new things but there is something that I would consider fundamental: its coherence based on the reality of existence.

    • #42332

      I discovered a whole different way to be in the world. I was always confused about the spiritual teachings of annihilating the ego because how would you get through life without out it as we do need it to a certain degree. The Kabbalah has a beautiful way to integrate it.

    • #42308

      The act of giving has always vexed me. On one hand, I receive immense joy in giving, in supporting, in validating others, but on the other hand, I do it for the pleasure, not for others. Does this feeling negate my bestowal? I asked this of my doctor. She said that all people give to receive pleasure. That is the nature of giving. Is this true? When I give, I do not expect a valid response from the receiver. Their response is their issue. I care about their welfare, but some people worry about being scammed. My stance is that I gave where I saw a need. The motivation of the receiver is on them. Is this okay?

    • #42303

      I have read about Kabbalah from many sources. I wanted to gain knowledge from a source not an interpretation. Question: Should I take a class in Hebrew? I notice that you place importance in the name of things. I do not want to miss out. My adopted brother is Jewish, I could ask him to introduce me to his Rabbi. What would recommend?

Viewing 6 posts - 259 through 264 (of 333 total)
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