What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #43455

      Kabbalah is not a religion therefore there is no dogma or restrictions. It is very liberating for me that I don’t have to give up anything that I don’t want to let go, which gives me freedom to let go of my past beliefs to empty my vessel. And that I don’t need to kill my ego. This is good news for me – it’s very inclusive of everything in the Universe being available to me, and that I have free will to choose anything/everything/nothing.

    • #43355
      Ometto Felice

      i learned here to see faith and ego with different eyes, is like having concepts in my head half known half that needs to be confirmed and undertood deeply than i do

    • #43278

      It’s a paradigm shift for me! The will to receive and the will to bestow!

    • #43218

      I was surprised that it is so similar to what I’ve already figured out, like how it’s no good to believe anything just because everyone else believes it, just you don’t need belief, the false things you do believe is really in the way, it’s like I have had so many “coincidences” here that continue, not actually “coincidence”, no such thing, it’s like a friend might send me a song that he thinks I will like and later on in the evening I might be watching a movie where the same song has been incorporated into it somehow, that is because there’s a dream going on and what goes here can also go there, just no such thing as even time, this happening first or that happening later, all times are interconnected, well we heard there was such a thing as time and now we believe it, just we’ve been sucked into thinking it exists, probably to get everyone to the factory job on time, but I don’t believe in time, because it’s my experience that it doesn’t actually exist all to be true I’m not even sure what that is anymore just that it comes in handy if you want to catch a plane or meet up with someone.  Furthermore,  I know I can rely on this connection with the Creator because I am is its creation, just the idea of being alone, is only another idea, well they sold a lot of stuff to all the lonely people after the idea that it was bad to be that way became popular, everything you believe is sort of like a scam, just you have to investigate how you know things, whether you actually know them because you’ve experienced it or whether it’s just something you heard or read that you believed.  Let me tell you all governments love it that you believe you need to pay them, pay your taxes, so they can keep the order and protect you from harm, but that’s a lie, there is no harm, just even if your body dies, it doesn’t mean anything, just there’s a story going on and the beings who write it love drama, that’s it.  Most being are believing so many lies now, they can’t even tell what’s true, because ego loves a good story, just loves for someone to lose and others to win, but that’s not a thing.  No one is losing anything so pretty hard to have a winner.  Not even possible.  Just it’s no good to believe stuff that you haven’t figured out is true for yourself, then you know it so you don’t have to believe it anymore.  When you get to the love part, just over and over again you feel the love that you are because you have lost your ability to judge anyone, yourself included or anything for that matter, and you instinctively know what it is, this Creator is what you are really, and it is good, then you will just automatically be drawn to it again and again because being away from it won’t be enough.  Well, it seems to take a while because of being surrounded by things that don’t support what you know, just that is your old thoughts arising to be seen as the lies that they are.  The idea that you aren’t free now is simply another lie.  You are literally the gatekeeper to your own happiness because you aren’t just loved, you are the stuff.  Well, if you want to change what is going on for you, you have to change your mind like literally.  Just there’s a common thought pattern that most beings are attuned to because you just learn it by being surrounded by it, but you can unlearn it because that’s not something you are.  I’d say Kabbalah is right in line not with what I believe but what I know, have seen to be true.    Just thank you and I love you.

    • #43214

      Most of it! But the most compelling so far is my realization of the futility of prayer the way I’ve been doing it.

    • #43178
      Dikeledi Sehlako

      The awareness of how the will of the divine power descend. The awareness how prayers are answered. The Divine system when surrendering the ego to the Divine power.

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