What have you discovered about Kabbalah that was new to you?

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    • #43165

      It is not bad to want to receive, its my nature. What I need to correct is my intention in relation to receiving: do this in order to give to the Creator.

    • #43162
      Mariana Ferreira

      One of the things I love about Kabbalah is this feeling of remembering something that I already knew (or rather, that my soul already knew) even though I never heard about it (on a conscious level). So, it’s like everything is new, but nothing is new at the same time, it’s a simple and powerful encounter with the truth. One of the things that surprised me most was this approach to selfishness as our intrinsic nature and how it cannot be changed (without Kabbalah methodology), discovering this was deeply liberating and clarified a lot in me.

    • #42997

      I was under the thinking and understanding that I was responsible for all my sufferings in life , I was constantly fighting and praying to get notices by God and to get some help from above. i never realized that what was given to me for was supposed t be received happily and to bestow to back to my creator. I as under double concealment and now i feel its time for my corrections

    • #42931

      It makes more sense 

    • #42904
      TraceyJoy Steele

      For me , I’ve discovered the absolute beauty that it holds. Normally depicted as some force of evil and used for Egotistical results. Its far from that of evil , and ego has a role here but only for us to understand,  own and expand in a positive form , our Egoism. Kabbala is about receiving on a divine level,  with grace and good intentions.  The messages and lessons one can gained (if the intended purpose for studying is pure, good) can be life changing.

    • #42699

      That there is a giver and a receiver and  that the ego is how we receive through our 5 senses.

Viewing 6 posts - 265 through 270 (of 344 total)
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