What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

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    • #336409

      It has to be to maintain my Jewishness but in a different light, one that looks above the physical reality in understanding, to connect with others and give pleasure to them. To somehow be in balance with the  force of nature for the benefit of others and the pleasure and fulfilment that will be a part of this journey.

    • #335957
      Amarilys Del Orbe

      I think that for me the greatest thing I wish to achieve is breaking free from fear which was brought upon by religion. Also acceptance of the Creating Forces or God’s Will, however one chooses to call it.

    • #333844

      Set myself free from bondage to the dysfunctional ways of life as we are made to accept.

    • #333726

      I think discovering what exactly the greatest thing  I am able to learn and apply is what I wish to achieve at this juncture.

    • #333226

      Adhesion to the Creator, sharing attributes and intentions, in order to help bring harmony and peace in this world

    • #332128

      Probably the notion that pride and ego are the 2 main obstacle in the unity of our world, we have ego in the sight cross, I hope to bring pride to the same spot soon.

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