What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah What is the greatest thing I wish to achieve through studying the Wisdom of Kabbalah?

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 371 total)
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    • #287095

      Integrate my divine self with my material aspect so I’ll just be Me, rather than having this constant dialogue. Of course then I’ll constantly commune with the Creator … but as one being, not 2.

    • #287020
      David J

      To reach total correction with the creator

    • #286973
      Leroy 1995

      Harmony with the Creator, and be like the Creator. A spark of goodness and love.

    • #286963

      Harmony! Harmony within myself and with the creator.

    • #284848

      To understand how to receive in order to bestow.

    • #284798

      To understand the mechanisms of the creation of the worlds, I checked some of the diagrams and the mystery of what they have hidden within the language of branches is the same fascination I had in other similarly esoteric subjects like physics, astronomy, psychology and paleontology. Since I’m going to learn the language of a science it’ll have the same boyhood excitement when I meekly attempted to study the sciences.

Viewing 6 posts - 145 through 150 (of 371 total)
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