What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #411004
      Andrew Russo

      to bring on world peace

    • #410388

      My best experience from the previous course was discovering how much has been added to it since I was here ten years ago. I am also loving seeing the number and quality of “Kabbalah Explained Simply” videos on YouTube. And I the reading material seems to make complete sense, which is something I never thought would happen based on my previous experience.

      It is also interesting to me that it feels like my life was suddenly stilled when I started the classes again. Everything got quiet and routine and comfortable as if all the world is trying not to bother me. I could do these classes every day of my whole life, and I am excited at the idea that the world might let me.

    • #410379

      The more I delve into Kabbalah, the deeper my desire grows to explore its mysteries. My yearning to understand the essence of life on this extraordinary journey feels infinite.

    • #410373

      The best part of past course is discovering a community around the World united with the same goal to overcome our egoism with the help of the Creator. Also the KabU  instructors  are amazing for their skills on transmitting their knowledge. I am so happy Tony will be my instructor again!

      During the next course i expect to continue learning how to develop my soul in the community goal to find attainment with the Creator by cultivating the proper intentions .

      • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Alina.
    • #409740

      A better understanding of my purpose here in life and how can I help?

    • #409728

      Main Insights:

      1. We are desire wanting to receive in order to receive

      2. Path forward is to increasingly change our intention to wanting to receive in order to bestow thus Pleasing/Fulfilling the creators intentent to give AND becoming more like the creator itself. Or rather perceiving this fact.

      3.Expectation for this course: After learning the What now learning the How

      • This reply was modified 3 months, 1 week ago by Alp. Reason: Typo
Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 620 total)
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