What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

New Home Forums Course Forums Kabbalah Revealed Interactive – Part 2 Welcome Back What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #413018

      I was glad to discover this structured and clear method on how to move forward. I was blind and now I can see. 🙂 Thank you.

    • #413009

      My best experience from the previous course was knowing that by coming back to the study of Kabbalah after some years away, that I was doing the right thing in my spiritual development.

      I expect that this course will assist me to build my desire for equivalence of form with the Creator and help me to keep my intention of in order to bestow while I move through each day out in the world.

    • #412893
      Akosua Marie

      In this course, I expect to learn things more in depth and maybe to learn how to receive answers about my life path.

    • #412892
      Akosua Marie

      I found a lot of principles in alignment with my beliefs system. That was comforting. Learning about the filter on the Kli was an interesting concept.

    • #412891

      Learning that behind the words in a book, a finely crafted handmade piece of furniture or anything that is man-made lies the mind of the creator. When you view it in this way it changes everything in perspective. The same in nature, in the beauty in nature that surrounds us lies the mind of the force of nature revealing the pleasures that he bestows on us.

      In the next part of the course, I hope to deepen my spiritual understanding of the force of nature and learn how we can begin to move towards harmony with the creator.


    • #412794

      I learned that there is methodology to spirituality. This course and Kabbalah one general, I think, has a a language and system I didn’t know i was missing from all the other practices I’ve studied.

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