What was my best experience from the previous course? What do I expect from this course?

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    • #285107

      The best thing about the previous course was the satisfaction of putting all the pieces together and the final image is so detailed and vivid now. I expect to go further into the rabbit hole and complete more puzzle images of the reality until we fully understand the spiritual life.

    • #285101
      dree monster

      a lot went over my head when i was doing first course but apparently i waa getting it. so i expect to get a little more detail to stick this time around

    • #285100
      dree monster

      alot went over my head when i was doing first course but apparently i waa getting it. so i expect to get a little more detail to stick this time around

    • #284415

      My best experience from the previous course was to learn more about the fundamentals and principles of kabbalah within a community which feels the force of the point in the heart. I expect to keep growing in this path and in the same way during this great course.

    • #284286
      Yvon Decelles

      What was my best experience from the previous course?

      the inner discovery.

      What do I expect from this course?

      More of the same hopefully.

    • #284084

      Its hard to pick out one, as it was all very revelatory and fascinating to me. The things I have long thought and experienced can be explained perfectly by this wisdom. Spending time reading the recommended reading notes on each week has also been very profound for me. Sometimes I feel like i really understand it all. Im very conscious of my ego now and when you realise just how unpleasant it can be its quite unsettling.

      Now i look at everyones intentions differently. A persons actions dont necessarily reflect his intentions.I just want to keep on learning and studying this amazing wisdom

Viewing 6 posts - 499 through 504 (of 619 total)
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